I'm Back!

I am off of maternity leave and booking appointments for April. Contact me if you need anything!

Little girl..

Boy, this girl is going to be a heartbreaker!


Traveled to Snowbird to take some family pictures. The mountains were beautiful, but I Love this family--and some of the cutest kids ever!

P. Family preview

Brothers. Cute.

W. Family Idaho Falls Photography

What a cute family! I love when sessions run smoothly, had so much fun.

Color Palettes

I've had a few people ask me about colors for family portraits. I think everyone wants a little help when it comes to organizing outfits for pictures, so here's a little cheat sheet :) This is especially helpful for large family groups.

Colors are not the only thing that will make your pictures pop, textures and patterns go a long way too! Chevron, polka dots, or stripes along with different types of fabrics look great.

I will probably be putting this up on my website soon. Enjoy!